تلميح بصيغة الcss


درسنا اليوم ...

كيف تعطي وصفا موجزا 

لأي صلة من شأنها أن تظهر عند الماوس عبر الارتباط مع آثار تلميحات.

< ((((( \\\\\\\\\\    للمشاهدة   ////////// ))))) >

كود ال css

/*---------- bubble tooltip -----------*/








a.tt span{ display: none; }

/*background:; ie hack, something must be changed in a for ie to execute it*/

a.tt:hover{ z-index:25; color: #aaaaff; background:;}

a.tt:hover span.tooltip{



top:0px; left:0;

padding: 15px 0 0 0;


color: #993300;

text-align: center;

filter: alpha(opacity:90);

KHTMLOpacity: 0.90;

MozOpacity: 0.90;

opacity: 0.90;


a.tt:hover span.top{

display: block;

padding: 30px 8px 0;

background: url(http://lh3.ggpht.com/_pt7i0nbIOCY/SzIcnNeAr-I/AAAAAAAACek/ol5o6rqB5Qw/bubble_thumb.gif) no-repeat top;


a.tt:hover span.middle{ /* different middle bg for stretch */

display: block;

padding: 0 8px;

background: url(http://lh3.ggpht.com/_pt7i0nbIOCY/SzIcrZtXeiI/AAAAAAAACes/f3SeQ8tdw5A/bubble_filler_thumb%5B1%5D.gif) repeat bottom;


a.tt:hover span.bottom{

display: block;

padding:3px 8px 10px;

color: #548912;

background: url(http://lh3.ggpht.com/_pt7i0nbIOCY/SzIcnNeAr-I/AAAAAAAACek/ol5o6rqB5Qw/bubble_thumb.gif) no-repeat bottom;


كود ال html

<a href="destination_link" class="tt">رابط النص<span class="tooltip"><span class="top"></span><span class="middle">هنا تضع النص </span><span class="bottom"></span></span></a>
